PropertyEase Management

About Us

About Us

Premium Property Management Services

There are better things in life to worry about than your properties. Let PropertyEase Management give you peace of mind when it comes to your rentals and properties.

Our Team

Meet the founder

Michelle Vidensek

As an owner of a rental property in Napa, California, Michelle realized there was a huge gap in how properties were managed. Not only did she have to manage the marketing and bookings of her property, support guests on a 24/7 basis, but also needed to maintain the home and any issues that arose. As a project manager at Google, she put on her analytical skills hat on. She created a system that streamlined the entire process and scaled that to other rental properties in the Bay Area. Now she is passionate about helping other property owners, maximize their financial goals and help them truly make passive income.

Michelle has also scaled our her business to support home owners manage their properties by managing vendor work and relationships, maintenance and cleaning, and any other issues that may arise. 

Hear What Our Partners Have To Say About PropertyEase Management

I feel so lucky to have PropertyEase Management for our rental property. They are professional and are able to manage all details, small and large. They are tech savvy and able to get listings out to the largest networks, are friendly and able to screen applicants to make sure they are a good fit, and they follow through with detailed spreadsheets and maintenance coordination.


    Napa, CA